InVigor L340PC
• InVigor’s L340PC offers first generation clubroot resistance and blackleg resistance.
• This Liberty Link, straight cut variety has proven its potential time and time again in the Interlake region with great standability and high yield potential.
Brett Young BY7204LL
• Brett Young’s BY7204LL is a Liberty Link variety with Pod DeferndR pod shatter protection for straight cut ease.
• This variety is suitable for all growing zones with its strong early season vigor, blackleg and first generation clubroot resistance.
Nexera B3017N
• Brevant Seeds Nexera B3017N is a high yielding Liberty Link variety that qualifies for specialty oil premiums.
• With great standability and lodge resistance score, this swath variety is one of our most popular canola varieties sold at Foster Ag Services.
Feel free to drop by or call for more variety options!